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NSRA Hot Rod Drags - September 5th-7th

Late nights with a V8 alarm call & the rain held off long enough for some great times.

NASC Nationals - August 23rd-25th

Great cars + Great People = Great Fun.

NSRA Super Nationals - August 8th-10th

At a better venue, and with a good turn out of cars.

Lakes Run - July 18th-20th

Some interesting cars, at a lovely interesting venue

Goodwood Festival Of Speed - July 11th-13th

Lots of everything, a don't miss event for petrol heads

Thorney Island - July 11th-13th

Clashing with Goodwood for the last time!

Thanks to Dren for the Pictures

Wessex rod and custom show - June 20th-22nd

Another relaxing Wessex show: Great cars, junk band, and included the Saturday night food.

N.A.S.C. Springnationals - May 9th-11th

What more can I say, book up early for next years ! Another fantastic show, and two more trophies for Watford Rod members.

Watford Rods Show - Chorley Wood - Monday 5th May

Even a late confirmed date, didn't stop over 200 cars coming out to play in the sunshine.

Jo's Show - Fort Brockhurst - Sunday 20th & Monday 21st April

Jo's show attracts it's usual variety of cars and Bikes.

Wheel's day - Friday 18th April

Held at Brooklands Racetrack (maybe for the last time), with another bumper selection of cars.

Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014 Watford Rods. All rights reserved.
All images on this site are covered by a Creative Commons License

This page was lasted updated on Thursday, 25-Jul-2013 04:01:28 BST